He Loves:

  1. To look out the window.
  2. To chat with other animals.
  3. To dream with traveling.
  4. All his neck ties.
  5. To go out for a walk

  6. Eating healthy.
  7. Taking the pubblic transport.


           And he doesn't eat meat!

He only eats croquettes made with vegetables or legumes. No meat, no fish.

He prefers to eat healthy.


Mr. Leyton is a very happy cat. For his roommate, hi is the most beautiful cat of all, and also the most elegant!


When she gets back to home after a long day at work, she likes to find his cat looking out the window waiting for her. Maybe because he's waiting for some cuddles on the sofa ... or maybe even his veggie dinner!




Mr. Leyton loves waiting the bus. And he is a pubblic transport lover.


For him, that's the best time to  watch the city as a turist. And sometimes he also meets new poeple. 


Is not usually to see a cat traveling by bus.


For Mr. Leyton there's nothing better than getting lost in the streets of the neighborhood. He always greets everyone, he is a very polite and sociable cat.

Mr. Leyton character, logo and all the illustrations and texts present in this website are a Flavio Barreiro property