Mr. Leyton and his roommate live on the ground floor of a beautiful building in a neighborhood where all the streets have the names of plants and flowers. Mr. Leyton loves to look out of the kitchen window every day, from where he sees everything that happens there every day. 

The Fantastic courtyard is always full of cats, seagulls and many animals and creaturs very funny


and bizarre.

On the hottest summer evenings he likes to lie down under the tree, on the fresh and soft grass, to enjoy a nice moment of lazy afternoon.

Creaturs and seagulls

The fantastic courtyard is not only frequented by cats, seagulls, mice, squirrels and other birds, but also by many strange and bizarre creatures and animals who live in many suburbs of the city.


Very often when some neighbors see a six-legged colored creature they don't care and they just "what an ugly dog".


The seagulls are the best to spend time having a good chat. Their travel stories around the world are the most beautiful and interesting you will hear.

Moody garden gnomes

They live the fantastic courtyard for a long time. They are grumpy and very famous by their bad mood.

They are not very friendly and on wet and cold days they like to pick mushrooms, which they often cook on the grill. They are good food and red wine big lovers.

Mr. Leyton character, logo and all the illustrations and texts present in this website are a Flavio Barreiro property